Friday, March 18, 2011

The Beach Guest Room Day #3!

A short recap, at this point I have removed all the wallpaper in the room. Next? I sanded and spackled a few nail spots, as well as washed down all the trim and windows. After that I sanded, spackled and sanded again where curtain rod holes were on the window frames.

The next step? Paint the trim and windows! All of same would be getting 2 coats of Behr Ultra Paint in Ultra Pure White with a semi-gloss finish.
Tapping off windows and trim is probably my least favorite thing. I would rather remove a full room of wallpaper. Seriously, I would. It’s so tedious and time consuming and really just kills my motivation to move on. But, I pushed through, tapped off the three windows and the large amount of trim and door.

I did all of this in more than just a day, but for blogging purposes I’ll lump it into one day. Overall the whole room from wallpaper removal to final paint layer took about 2 weeks, which is pretty good considering that I did it alone AND I work full time.

Fabulous Husband did help out with changing out the two outlets and the one light switch in the room. As did our wonderfully crazy foster dog Ris, who we are encouraging to pay attention and learn some tricks of the renovation trade. She’s only excelling at taking cute pictures at this time.

After two coats on ALLLLL the trim, I then started to cut in with the beautiful wall paint….

More to come…

PS. For those who may wonder, yes, I did (accidentally) paint the windows shut. I’m going to try to remedy that this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That's so something I would do! I started with the wallpaper again tonight. I don't know how you do a whole big room. My arm kills me after 1/4 of a wall.
