Friday, February 11, 2011

The Dining Room

That is powder blue trim around the windows, as well as the wall trim and oh yes, the doors and windows were painted that lovely shade as well. The walls themselves were white. They are no longer. Meet our dining room. It's actually completely open to the living room and is the whole back half of our house on the first floor. The dining "area" is a wonderful little set up. It is partially open to the kitchen, has that lovely bay window (which isn't so lovely and rotting up close, so don't look when you come over). It's hardwood floors, and well, it's got some personality.

This is what it looked like almost a year ago from today... when we did our home inspection.

Below, as you can see I was just not sure what color (hence the red splotches everywhere), and we were still in the midst of unpacking, cleaning etc. So excuse the disaster.

And POOF! this picture is from just before our housewarming party in November 2010. As you can see it is looking MUCH MUCH better.

The Paint:

Walls - Behr's Tea Bag

Trim - Behr's Ultra Pure White

Rug- pottery barn (hand me down)

Buffet - 1920's piece from craigslist

Dining room table & chairs - Harden (this was my parents table and they gifted it to us!).

The floors still need to be refinished throughout the entire house, and I think these will look amazing when that happens. We kept the light fixture the same, but eventually I would like to change it, but no rush. I have not yet put anything on the window (except Christmas lights) and not sure if I will in this part of the room. As I said above the window itself needs to be replaced sooner than later, so I may just enjoy the natural setting look for awhile.

I still don't have much on the walls, and hopefully the right pieces will find their way there, somehow. While it isn't a room we utilize often, we do look at it and walk through it everyday. I do love it, but it's far from finished. It is just another shining example of what a little paint can do to spruce up a space.

You can read more about some of the pieces and ideas in this post.

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