Saturday, July 31, 2010

Reason #1 we bought the house...

Sorry, not going inside just yet. I promise this will be worth it though.

Okay, so reason #1 we bought the house:
(I'm not rating these in any order, just that this is one of the BIG reasons we chose this house)

Oooh, what's that?!?! It is our fabulous little cabin and creek.

It is located about 150 feet down in the valley behind our house. I'd show you some inside pictures of it, but I don't think we are there just yet. I mean my blog and I only met and I don't want to scare it off...

This is a view from the bridge you have to cross in order to get there. It's like our own little fairytale. I don't have too many recent pictures as really all we've done down there is mow, cut back a few things, take the dogs swimming and gone hiking up the creek.

Funny story: When I first saw the house online, I didn't even look at the house pictures, I just said OOOOHHH Fabulous Husband, look it has a cabin and a stream. "What about the house?" he asked. "What about the house, it has a cabin and a STREAM!!!" I shouted. Once I told him the house was 150+years old he laughed at me and said yeah right. But guess who is laughing now... ME! Cause the cabin and stream are ours!

1 comment:

  1. OMG..... SO FREAKING JEALOUS!!! This is perfect!!!! Love it so much!
